Finding the Best Bike for You - What To Seek Out

In the last couple of decades a major shift has been happening in transportation. While the majority of people in the western world seemed most interested in travelling via automobile, in the last couple of decades many people have been choosing the bicycle as their primary mode of transportation. This could be because down to the prices of gas and running a car, or perhaps people are deciding to care more for the planet. No matter what has caused it, the fact is there are now more cyclists on the road than in a long while. Have you been tempted to use a bike for your everyday transport needs? If this is the case it is important you know what to look for, the following tips will help you in your quest to find a suitable bike.

One thing you can consider when choosing a bike is whether or not your feet can rest flat on the floor while you are sitting so you can stop yourself. There are those who say that this isn't the best way, though. These experts say in order to have the best cycling experience you can, you should allow for a few inches between the ground and your feet. When buying a new bike, you will see the seat is placed extremely low to the crossbar, so when you sit on the bike with your feet on the ground and are able to bend your knees, you should pick a different bike. Also, if you find that your knees are bent when sitting on the bike, your knees are going to come up too high when you are pedaling your bike.

For a road bike you should take away 9" from the inseam measurement you took earlier. This is to account for the size of tires you will use on a road bike. Designed for cycling around the city road bike tires are thin. For a mountain bike take away 12 inches from your inseam. Mountain bikes have different tires than a road bike. Mountain bike tires will be thick and designed for mountainous terrain. Mountain bikes can travel on city pavement but that is not what they are designed to do.

You should already have your safety gear bought and ready to go. Bicycle helmets are something completely different than they once were. Now they offer better protection while being a little bit more stylish. You must always wear your helmet when you are riding your bike, no matter what. You don't even realize how important this thing can be in saving your life.

If you are going to be taking your bike off road, then you need to also invest in some knee and elbow pads, as well as ankle and wrist guards. go to my blog Pants clips are another great investment, especially if you are using your bike as your sole means of transportation. Pants clips are designed to hold your pants in place so they don't get caught up in the chain or the gears of the bike.

When you get a bike your main goal should be to find one that physically suits you. This is the most important thing to consider when looking into using a bike to get around. Comfort and saftey are the two most important aspects of riding a bike.

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